Historical Marker #182 commemorates the CSA Cemetery in Pewee Valley, which was established in May 1871. In 1904 the Directors of the Pewee Valley Cemetery assigned 11,275 square feet of space to the Commonwealth of Kentucky for use by the…

Historical Marker #208 commemorates the town of Pewee Valley. Originally given as a land grant of 4,000 acres to Ora Norborn Beall in 1784, the area that came to be known as Pewee Valley was formerly known as “Smith’s Station.” Michael and…

Historical marker #1251 in La Grange tells the history of Oldham County. It became a county in 1824, having been formed from parts of Henry, Jefferson, and Shelby Counties, making it the 74th Kentucky County. The naming of the county is credited…

Historical marker #2594 tells the history behind the Westport, Kentucky courthouse. Westport was the site of the first courthouse in the county from 1828-1838, before the courthouse was moved permanently to La Grange. What is now the Westport…