Captain John Simpson

Historical Marker #1128 in Simpsonville commemorates Captain John Simpson, a War of 1812 casualty for whom both Simpsonville and Simpson County are named.

Born in Virginia, John Simpson moved to Kentucky when he was a child. The family settled in Lincoln County and John, who eventually moved to Shelby County, became an attorney. In 1794, he fought the Shawnee Indians in present-day Ohio at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Simpson later served in the Kentucky legislature, representing Shelby County, where he was Speaker of the House in 1810 and 1811.

Although Simpson was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1812, the War of 1812 interrupted his service. Instead of taking his seat, Simpson joined the 1st Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers. On January 22, 1813, Simpson was killed at the Battle of the River Raisin, fought near present-day Monroe, Michigan.

Simpson County, created in 1819, was named in his honor. Simpsonville, in Shelby County, was also named to commemorate his life and service.

