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Historical Marker #1770 in Murray commemorates Harvey Boyce Taylor and his work on the Cooperative Program. Murray's First Baptist Church, under the leadership of Taylor, proposed a new unified approach to the church budget. The proposed…

Historical Marker #517 in McCracken County recalls Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest's raid on Paducah in March 1864. The journey to Paducah from western Tennessee began in the spring of 1864. Forrest was intent on reaching Kentucky…

Historical marker #2596 marks the location of the Austin Hubbard (Narcissa) House, which was bequeathed by Austin Hubbard, a white farmer from Nelson County, to his daughter Narcissa, a mixed-race person Dr. William Elliott enslaved. Austin…

Historical marker #2204 in Frankfort identifies the boyhood home of Paul Sawyier, one of the most recognized and popular artists in Kentucky. Sawyier's popularity is due in large part to his work being so closely identifiable with…


The Kentucky Historical Society invites you to explore Kentucky history online and on the road with the new "ExploreKYHistory" smartphone app! "ExploreKYHistory" takes the stories behind our community-driven historical markers, adds related items from the KHS collections and combines it into a historical tour of our Commonwealth.

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