Vest-Lindsey House

Historical Marker #1743 in Frankfort commemorates the Vest-Lindsey House, which was the home of notable nineteenth century personalities George Graham Vest, Thomas Noble Lindsey, and Daniel W. Lindsey.

Much like the John J. Crittenden House only a block away, the Vest-Lindsey House has had a divided history due to the Civil War. Built in the last years of the eighteenth century or first years of the nineteenth century, this Federal-style home was the boyhood home of George Graham Vest. Vest was born in Frankfort in 1830. After attending Centre College and earning a law degree from Transylvania University, Vest moved to Missouri in 1853, and began practicing law. He served in the Missouri legislature from 1860 to 1861, and was then a senator from Missouri in the Confederate Congress. After the Civil War, Vest represented Missouri in the U.S. Senate from 1879 to 1903.

The Vest house became the property of Thomas Noble Lindsey in 1846. Lindsey was one of Frankfort's leading citizens. He served in the state legislature and had a thriving Frankfort law practice. In 1862, during the Confederate capture of Frankfort, Thomas N. Lindsey served as the city’s temporary mayor when the elected mayor fled to Louisville.

Thomas N. Lindsey's son, Daniel W. Lindsey, was born in Frankfort in 1835. He attended a local school operated by B.B. Sayre and the Kentucky Military Institute. He soon entered the law profession with this father in Frankfort. During the Civil War, Daniel Lindsey became colonel of the 22nd Kentucky Infantry Regiment. He fought at Arkansas Post, Champion Hill, and Vicksburg, where he was promoted to brigadier general. In 1863, Lindsey became the inspector general of Kentucky; the following year he was made adjutant general. During the 1864 Confederate attack on Frankfort, Lindsey commanded the defense of the city. After the war, Lindsey returned to his Frankfort law practice and worked with a number of local infrastructure businesses. He died in 1917 and was buried in the Frankfort Cemetery.

Today, the Vest-Lindsey House still stands as an excellent example of Federal-style architecture and is owned by the Kentucky Division of Historic Properties.

