George Croghan

Historical Marker #2086 at Locust Grove in Louisville commemorates the family of George Croghan, a War of 1812 veteran.

Born in Louisville in 1791, George's mother, Lucy Clark Croghan, was the sister of George Rogers Clark and William Clark (of Lewis and Clark fame). After serving as an aide to General William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe (fought n November 1811), Croghan was commissioned captain during the War of 1812. After service at Fort Defiance and Fort Meigs, he was promoted to major and given command of Fort Stephenson in Ohio. In August 1813, the fort was attacked by hundreds of British and Native American troops led by General Henry Proctor.

Although vastly outnumbered, Croghan refused to surrender. Proctor attacked, but Croghan had anticipated where the British would strike. Therefore, he had posted men and one cannon in the perfect spot. The Americans' obstinate defense left more than one hundred Redcoats killed and wounded, and Proctor ultimately withdrew.

A national hero after his defense of at Fort Stephenson, Croghan was promoted and given greater responsibility. However, his later military career never reflected the greatness of his defense of the fort.

