Edmonson County, Kentucky

Historical Marker #797 in Brownsville commemorates Edmonson County being named for a War of 1812 veteran.

Born in Virginia in 1764, John Edmonson was a Revolutionary War Veteran who fought with Virginia militia at the Battle of Kings Mountain in North Carolina. In 1790, he moved to Fayette County, Kentucky, where he farmed. An experienced soldier, during the war of 1812 Edmonson raised a company of troops that were ultimately attached to the 1st Kentucky Riflemen. For a time, Edmonson was their captain, but he had resigned his commission when they fought at the Battle of River Raisin in present-day Michigan in January 1813. There, Edmonson was killed in action.

In 1825, to honor this War of 1812 casualty, Edmonson County was created and named in his honor.

